Save Journalism

The goal of this website is to help spread awareness of ways people are trying to save journalism and educate people on the process of fact checking Oranizations Handling images and media with the utmost care is a primary focus of the ...

Can Facebook save journalism and bring it into the digital age?

Facebook is trying to teach journalists how to thrive in the digital age while also tackling the scourge of fake news. The key lies in helping users tell the difference between truth and lie. As self-proclaimed authorities on ...

Can Technology Save Journalism?

Ten years ago, in a moment of characteristic prescience, the Economist asked, “Who Killed Newspapers?” The year was 2006, and already, the Internet posed an existential challenge to an industry that only several decades earlier seemed ...

Publishers and journalists must work together to save journalism

Hardly a day passes without an announcement by one newspaper publisher or another that jobs must go, titles must be merged and offices must be closed. Cutbacks have been the reality of the news trade in Britain for the best part of 20 ...

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